Rules of Cornhole

Cornhole, a classic backyard game enjoyed by people of all ages, is synonymous with summer gatherings, barbecues, and friendly competitions. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, understanding the rules is essential to fully enjoy this engaging pastime. In this guide, we'll break down the rules of cornhole step by step, ensuring you're ready to dominate the boards at your next event.

Setting Up the Game:


    • Cornhole Boards: You'll need two wooden boards with a 2x4 feet surface and a 6 inch hole centered 9 inches from the top.
    • Cornhole Bags: Each team uses four bags of the same color. Bags are typically made of cloth or canvas and filled with synthetic materials.

     Distance and Layout:

    • Place the boards facing each other, with a distance of 27 feet between the front edges.
    • The pitching box extends 3 feet from the side of the board. 
    • Players take turns throwing bags from their designated pitching box, located on the same side as their board.



    • The primary goal of cornhole is to score points by tossing bags into the hole or landing them on the board.
    • Teams of two players, or solo players each compete against each other, aiming to reach 21 points before their opponents.


    • A bag that goes through the hole is worth 3 points.
    • A bag that lands and remains on the board's surface is worth 1 point.

     Cancellation Scoring:

    • Only one team can score in each round. Points from one team cancel out those of the opposing team.
    • For example, if Team A scores 4 points and Team B scores 3 points in a round, Team A earns 1 point (4 - 3 = 1).

     Pitching Order:

    • Teams take turns pitching bags, with the player from one team alternating with the player from the opposing team.
    • The player who scored the most points in the previous round pitches first in the next round.

     Fouls and Disruptions:

    • Players must pitch the bags from within the pitching box.
    • If a bag touches the ground before landing on the board, it does not county and is removed from play.

Winning the Game:

     Ending the Game:

    • The game typically ends when a team reaches or exceeds 21 points at the end of a round.


    • The team that reaches 21 first 

Now that you're armed with the knowledge of cornhole rules, it's time to gather your friends and family, set up the boards, and enjoy some friendly competition under the sun. Cornhole offers a fantastic opportunity to create lasting memories and showcase your tossing skills. So, let the bags fly and may the best team win!

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